Got a moment to make a difference?

Got a moment to make a difference?

Add your name to one of our current petitions!

Show our decision-makers that people like you care about what happens to Australia's environment. Adding a personalised message will make your signature even more powerful.

Demand oil and gas companies clean up their rubbish!

Add your name to an open letter calling on federal politicians and policy makers to make oil and gas companies clean up their rubbish.

Protect the Earth's largest, intact savanna

Ask key decision makers to commit to new Territory nature laws that will protect biodiversity, safeguard cultural landscapes and rein in large-scale deforestation.

Support World Heritage protection for the Nullarbor & Great Australian Bight

Ask Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek to support World Heritage protection for the Nullarbor and Great Australian Bight.

Yes! I want the Jarrah forests protected for good.

We can't afford to lose the Jarrah forests of south west of WA. Eighty percent of the 8,000 species of animals and plants that live in these forests are found nowhere else in the world. They urgently need long-term protections from mining and destruction.

Stop logging in the planned Great Koala National Park

The NSW Labor government promised, as part of its 2023 election campaign, to deliver the Great Koala National Park. Email NSW Environment Minister Penny Sharpe to push for these native forests in the proposed park area to be urgently protected from industrial logging and to establish the Great Koala National Park as quickly as possible.

Extinction is a choice

Some of the things that make Australia truly special are being put at risk because our national nature laws don’t work—and haven’t worked for decades. Australia is facing a wildlife extinction crisis.

Email the Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek MP today to let her know nature law reforms are urgently needed.

Governments and corporations need to be accountable to communities and nature

Communities need to have a genuine say on environmental decisions—and to be able to challenge the approval of destructive developments.

Add your name today to call for community rights in environmental decision-making.

Tell your MP: put communities and nature before corporations!

Image: Sam Rosewarne

The Wilderness Society’s new report shows Australia’s current system of environmental decision-making is not working for the environment or communities.

Will you add your name to a letter to your MP, asking them to read the report—and support reforms that put nature and communities before corporations?

Yes, I want new laws for nature!

Tens of thousands of Australians want strong national nature laws that end extinction and an independent watchdog to enforce them.

Are you one of them?

National parks aren’t for mining

Email Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water Susan Close asking her to protect the new Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert National Park from the fossil fuel industry.