Survey: Let’s secure a thriving future for Victoria’s forests

Survey: Let’s secure a thriving future for Victoria’s forests

The Victorian government is inviting Victorians like you to answer an important survey about the future of state forest areas now that native timber harvesting has finally ended. This is your opportunity to tell the government why you care about endangered wildlife and want these precious ecosystems protected for good. Note: survey closed.

Why does the government need to hear from me?

If you live in Victoria, you have a stake in this—and your words are powerful.

By answering this survey, you can help protect Victoria’s clean drinking water, carbon-dense forests and threatened species habitat for the future.
Tell the Victorian government it now needs to create the Great Forest National Park and other protected areas, so that all Victorians have the chance to enjoy the state’s magnificent native forests.

This survey is closed.

How do I have my say?

There are two ways you can participate—the first is to answer this short survey. Scroll for suggestions to help you respond to the questions, but remember that your own words will be the most impactful!

The second part is adding a pin on areas of significance to you on the map here. It might be somewhere you’ve spotted wildlife, bushwalked or camped.

Add a location pin to the map.

Question prompts

See below for suggestions on how you might respond to the following questions.

What best describes how you currently experience this area of the forest?

  • As place to go and recharge

  • I come here to feel calm/for my mental health

  • I take out-of-state guests to visit these areas

  • I go to the forests for recreation/leisure activities: bushwalking, camping, photography etc.

What is important to you about the Central Highlands state forest area?

  • Essential to the health and wellbeing of all Victorians

  • Source of the majority of Melbourne's clean drinking water

  • A priceless refuge for the state's critically endangered animal emblem, the Leadbeater's possum, and other threatened species

  • A vital carbon store and climate safeguard

  • A place of great spiritual and cultural significance to First Nations groups

  • Somewhere to go to feel restored

  • Valuable tourism drawcard

Looking to the future, how could the Central Highlands state forest be improved?

  • The Victorian government must now focus its efforts on creating the Great Forest National Park and other protected areas, to preserve Victoria’s iconic native forests for future generations.

  • The aspirations of First Peoples to heal and care for Country; community participation in environmental decision-making; and transparent, science based decision-making must be prioritised in the path forward.

  • With a new approach, focused on extensive restoration and land management, led by First Peoples, which stands to generate thousands of sustainable new jobs across regional Victoria.