

Australia’s forests are unique on Earth. But across the country, trees are being torn down by bulldozers, chainsaws & logging machinery in an unfolding crisis that’s wrecking the climate & pushing wildlife towards extinction.

Australia is a global deforestation front—alongside Borneo, the Amazon and the Congo—and has the highest rate of mammal extinctions in the world. For our climate, wildlife and future, Australia must go deforestation-free.

Image: Meg Bauer

Deforestation is when humans significantly damage, alter or destroy forest—usually by bulldozing or logging*—and it’s occurring at an alarming rate throughout Australia.

Hundreds of thousands of hectares of Australia's forests and bushland are destroyed every year for agricultural expansion (to create pasture to raise cattle for beef), logging (for timber, paper and pulp), mining (for minerals like bauxite), and urban development.

Deforestation: explained

Deforestation: explained

Everything you need to know about the deforestation crisis taking place across Australia.

With deforestation comes extinction

As the only ‘developed’ country with a deforestation front, it's no surprise Australia’s mammal extinction rates are the highest in the world. Even iconic native animals like the koala and the greater glider are on the way to extinction.

If we want to protect Australia's remarkable biodiversity, we must protect their forest homes.

Shocking proof of Australia's deforestation crisis

Shocking proof of Australia's deforestation crisis

10 stats that expose the scale of deforestation across the country.

So how do we fix this?

Image: Louise Chen

Deforestation isn’t just devastating for wildlife, communities and the climate. It’s also an extreme liability. But there’s a fix: big business can choose to only source and sell products free from deforestation. Read our corporate policy statement on deforestation and beef.

Deforestation in Australia usually happens when forests are torn down to create pastures to graze cattle for beef and leather; to mine the land underneath for aluminium; or to turn trees into timber, pulp and paper. Because these are the riskiest products, the companies that buy and sell them have a responsibility to ensure that they are not causing deforestation in the process.

Australia’s nature laws are broken. That means that even if a company isn’t doing anything illegal, it may very well be involved in unacceptable destruction.

More and more consumers and investors—in Australia and overseas—want deforestation to end. They don’t want to finance companies and buy products that are linked to the destruction of world-class forests.

    Our Corporate Deforestation Benchmark analyses publicly available policies & commitments of influential companies in industries associated with deforestation here

    That’s why it’s essential that companies in Australia—and especially those involved in the production of beef, leather, aluminium, timber, pulp and paper—take action on deforestation. They must set strong commitments to eliminate deforestation from their activities.

    If big businesses only bought and sold products free of deforestation, it could stop Australia’s deforestation crisis in its tracks.

    If we want to protect our climate, and the ecosystems that make our lives possible, there’s no place for deforestation in Australia’s future.

    What's your business’s biodiversity risk?

    There is great potential for companies in Australia to meet the challenge of protecting forests by going deforestation-free. Read our the corporate policy statement on deforestation and beef.
    Deforestation: the facts

    Deforestation: the facts

    10 fast facts that prove Australia needs to go deforestation-free.

    What we’re doing:

    Watch on Nature

    Watch on Nature

    We're uncovering deforestation as it happens using the latest satellite imagery.