Your support in action

Your support in action

Highlights from 2021-22

To stop the climate and extinction crises, we need to end the mindless expansion of the fossil fuel industry, put an end to deforestation and land clearing, and give nature the strong legal protections it needs. Image above: King Island rally.

No Seismic Blasting!

94% of King Islanders are opposed to any oil and gas exploration. Image: Tom Allen.

In August 2021, with your help, we supported the King Island community in their opposition to seismic blasting by ConocoPhillips in the Bass Strait. The people of King Island understand testing and oil and gas extraction will harm the fishery and the marine environment, which is frequented by whales. The Wilderness Society engaged independent researchers to survey every household on King Island. The results reported in The Australian were staggering: 94% of King Islanders were opposed to any oil and gas exploration while 77% felt they had no say in the decision-making process! “The senseless annual release of oil and gas acreage has to end,” says National Corporate Campaign Manager, Jess Lerch. “Last year, nearly 13,000 of you signed onto our submissions to put an end to this insanity.”

The people have spoken: new nature laws urgently needed

The federal election results showed that the majority of people want strong national environment laws. Steady years of work by community organising teams and tens of thousands of supporters to address Australia’s failing nature laws means there is now a commitment to deliver on this front. Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has now set a timetable for nature law reform. In the coming year it will be crucial to ensure she delivers. “This is a long-overdue commitment to some action—and the ambition outlined must be matched by achievement,” says National Campaigns Director Amelia Young.

Highlighting Queensland’s deforestation crisis

Image: Goa

Deforestation in Queensland continues to be a huge problem, but thanks to you, we’ve been able to shine a light on this issue. In December 2021, the Queensland government released new data that showed over 668,000ha of forest and bushland was bulldozed in one year, including 92,000ha of likely or known koala habitat. The majority of that destruction was for beef production. So, we’re holding the big buyers of Australian beef— supermarkets and fast food chains—responsible. With your support, we ran digital billboards for six weeks throughout Brisbane’s busiest thoroughfares, drawing attention to the devastating effects that deforestation has on wildlife. We’re also running a petition calling on big buyers to eliminate deforestation from beef products. Together, we’ll continue to bring deforestation and land clearing to the forefront and protect endangered koalas’ habitat.

Taking your message to Brussels

“Thanks to your support, I was able to go to Brussels and deliver a letter signed by more than 10,000 people calling on European leaders to stop the financing of deforestation in Australia,” says Corporate Campaigner Adele Chasson. “I was able to talk to key European Union decision-makers. We have opened their eyes to the scale of the deforestation crisis in Australia and how that affects Australia’s unique and special flora and fauna.” Now in a landmark vote, the European Parliament vowed to limit destruction of the Earth’s forests! For the first time, banks and companies the world over will have to make sure they are not involved in deforestation in order to do business in Europe.